Monday, March 01, 2010

Rare Political Post: A Senator Is Made Out To Be An Oddball For Insisting That A Bill Is Paid For Before He Votes On It.

Kentucky Republican Senator Jim Bunning:

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blukats said...


Do you even know what the vote is about? People are going homeless, can't find work, and this is what the guy is picking to make a stand on? Not porkbarrel or underbid contracts to their buddies, but the lives of thousands of people who USE to be able to pay taxes are now going to be even worse.

This guy didn't do this when they voted to give him and his state a bunch of money. So he's full of it.

Daddy Paul said...

Why worry when you have the printing press?

Anonymous said...

Really sad state of affairs... It's always easier to be a cog in the wheel than work on providing solutions which is what this guy and many others. If they were any kind of leaders they would be more vocal about their ideas than just shutting down the others.

Anonymous said...

And for those of you who say we can't afford it? Just cut down on this huge over proportioned military war. said...

Kudos for standing up for sound finances in Washington. When will people realize we're selling ourselves to China?