Some websites claim that Eve carried this out of the Garden of Eden. What is it that Eve took from the Garden? It is claimed that she took a four leaf clover. Why is the four leaf clover considered a lucky? Their significance pre-dates Christianity, going back to the pagan period, when four leaf clovers were Celtic charms. Celtic dominance once extended across Ireland and much of Western Europe. It was the Druids (Celtic priests) who elevated four leaf clovers to the status of Celtic charms, allegedly potent against malevolent spirits. Their status as Celtic charms is the origin of the modern belief in their power to bestow good luck. The first literary reference to draw on the tradition of four leaf clovers as Celtic charms seems to have been made in 1620. In that year Sir John Melton wrote, "If a man walking in the fields finds any four-leafed grass, he shall in a small while after find some good thing." Since there are on average, 10,000 three leaf clovers for every instance of a true four leaf clover, Sir Melton's hunter would have had to have excellent vision as well as good luck! (Copied Liberally from

Falco Soliton gives a 10 step finders guide to four leaf clovers
here. Finding four leaf clovers is basically common sense. Just find a large patch of clovers and start looking. However, I noticed some sites claim that four and five leaf clovers are typically found, reoccuring, in the same spot. It was the opinion of some of these sites that this mutation may occur more frequently in these spots due to a number of organic factors pertaining to that particular patch of ground.
Hope you find some and they bring you good luck in money, love and overall well being.
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