If anybody can support me with care packages, i'd love to hand out stuff for you. I'm specifically interested in getting school supplies. Anything sent would be greatly appreciated and I would be happy to take pictures for you.
Email me if interested and i'll forward you a mailing address.
Many thanks.

Hello!I enjoyed looking around Your website, colors,
layouts are great, keep up a good work!With the best regards!
That's so cool! You guys are AWESOME!!! :D Hats off to you guys and your noble work.
If you are still in the middle east, I would be more than happy to send a care package with school supplies and stuff. I didn't see where to find your email address though...
Very many thanks Jeremy. I'm very close to heading back to the U.S. (permanently).
Please email me at:
and we'll discuss further how your donation can still go to good use over here.
Very Respectfully,
Finance Junkie
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